Ocean shimmer

Gulls often get overlooked but a visit to the west coast made me appreciate the new species. This Western Gull was parked on a pier in front of some shimmering water that created neat bokeh.

Unloved subjects 

(Nov 2022)

“Unloved subjects” gave me the chance to appreciate the animals that I often overlook. Everyone’s interpretation of what counts as unloved is different but I’m including animals I’d typically walk past without a second glance on an average day. Descriptions for each shot below:

Check #themeothemonth on instagram to view photos contributed by the whole group!

Sunset dinner

A ring-billed gull pokes around a clump of seaweed at sunset. The light reflecting on the saltwater flats was spectacular, so I was very appreciative of the nearby gull even though most times on the beach I’m on the hunt for other species.

Carrion eater closeup

Turkey vultures are super cool birds but they’re unloved by society overall. If I see one in the air, I’ll take a quick note and move on. I don’t see them on the ground much, so I was extra amused to see this giant turkey vulture up close and perched in a tree like your average songbird.

A very important meeting

Mute swans can be extremely damaging to ecosystems and are present in huge numbers @johnheinznwr. As such, I often don’t spend much time photographing them. They are beautiful, though, and this funny arrangement with all of them looking towards the center caught my eye.